Certified auditor entered in the list under no. 11801. She graduated from the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in 2003. From the beginning of her professional career until 2012, she worked for one of the Big Four companies, i.e. Deloitte. A statutory auditor since 2009 with many years of professional experience in auditing financial statements and consolidated financial statements of companies from various industries as well as in accounting advice and IPO projects. Karolina also has experience as Chief Accountant in a joint stock company. She speaks fluent English.

Certified auditor entered in the list under no. 11750. She is a graduate of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. She qualified as a statutory auditor in 2008 but has been involved in auditing since 2002. She has gained her professional experience working for international consulting firms, including one of the Big Four, i.e. Deloitte, and Rödl & Partner. For over three years, Emilia advanced her practical knowledge of accounting, integrated financial and accounting systems and her skills of managing a team of several people while acting as Chief Accountant in corporate groups listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Emilia speaks English and German.